
35cm Lime Rose Bush

Retail Price: $7.95
Trade Price: $5.95

Lime Rose Bush 7 heads 35cm tall

35cm Maiden Hair Fern

Retail Price: $27.95
Trade Price: $19.50

Maiden Hair Fern in  plastic pot 35cm tall

35cm Plant Aloe-Vera Promo

Retail Price: $79.00
Trade Price: $42.00


Beautiful Real Touch Aloe-Vera Plant in 15cm black plastic pot 35cm tall

35cm Potted Agave

Retail Price: $59.00
Trade Price: $42.00

Agave in black plastic pot 35cm tall x 40 cm wide

35cm Triple Jade Succulent

Retail Price: $17.50
Trade Price: $12.50

Triple Jade Succulent 35cm tall

35cm Yellow Rose Bush

Retail Price: $10.95
Trade Price: $7.95

Yellow Rose Bush 7 Heads 35cm tall

36cm Aztec Container Series

Retail Price: $59.00
Trade Price: $39.00

Aztec Container Series Fibreglass Fossil Stone 18cm opening 36cm tall

36cm Aztec Container Series 2

Retail Price: $59.99
Trade Price: $42.00

Red Lightweight Fibreglass Container 36cm tall x 18cm wide x 15cm opening

36cm Aztec Container Series 2

Retail Price: $59.99
Trade Price: $42.00

White Lightweight Fibreglass Container  36cm tall x 18cm wide x 15cm opening

36cm Regal Container

Retail Price: $49.00
Trade Price: $35.00

Regal Container Red Fibreglass 18cm dia 36cm tall

36cm Regal Container

Retail Price: $49.00
Trade Price: $35.00

Regal Container Black Fibreglass 18cm dia 36cm tall

37cm Zebra Arrowroot Pot

Retail Price: $24.99
Trade Price: $15.00

Zebra Arrowroot Shrub in a 14cm dia black plastic pot, 37cm tall and 30cm wide.We also sell two variations of the Zebra Arrowroot namely the Flatpack and Double Zebra Arrowroot.